This startup wants young athletes to have more financial security. Here's how it could revolutionize sports.


This startup wants young athletes to have more financial security. Here's how it could revolutionize sports.

This startup wants young athletes to have more financial security. Here's how it could revolutionize sports.Linkedin
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For young aspiring athletes, the journey to success and wealth in sports can be long and lonely. At every level the competition and pressure increases, and while the possibility of life-changing money looms ahead, it can be difficult to reach. Players are often forced to sign contracts for less than they think they're worth. They also have to overcome hurdles like wage scales, mandatory arbitration, and restricted free agency before they cash in meaningfully.

For young aspiring athletes, the journey to success and wealth in sports can be long and lonely. At every level the competition and pressure increases, and while the possibility of life-changing money looms ahead, it can be difficult to reach. Players are often forced to sign contracts for less than they think they're worth. They also have to overcome hurdles like wage scales, mandatory arbitration, and restricted free agency before they cash in meaningfully.

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