New players that face the opportunity get to see the fruits of their labor, and most are left to figure out a longer-term career that doesn’t involve professional sports. For instance, only 44% of first-round draft picks will make it to the big leagues, and most will play less than one year. Enter Charlie Olson and Pando Pooling - A company that helps professional athletes lower their career risk while giving them unique opportunities to invest in other athletes. Charlie’s diverse background ranges across private equity, investment banking and search fund investing.
New players that face the opportunity get to see the fruits of their labor, and most are left to figure out a longer-term career that doesn’t involve professional sports. For instance, only 44% of first-round draft picks will make it to the big leagues, and most will play less than one year. Enter Charlie Olson and Pando Pooling - A company that helps professional athletes lower their career risk while giving them unique opportunities to invest in other athletes. Charlie’s diverse background ranges across private equity, investment banking and search fund investing.